Dyer County Sheriff's Office currently has only one (1) fulltime litter crew, our county needs help from everyone to keep it clean, including you. Please don't litter and report those who do.
To report items that are located in the road and a hazard to drivers please report immediately.
Contact: Dyer County Sheriff's Office at 731-285-2802
To report litter you see thrown from vehicles:
State Litter Hotline: 1-877-8LITTER (548837)
- Vehicle must have a Tennessee license plate and be in Tennessee when the litter happened.
- Includes: cigarette butts, items that fly from truck beds and all other litter.
Would you rather report on the internet?
Click here for the TDOT reporting website.
What happens when you report them?
With the information you provide TDOT will send a friendly reminder letter to the registered owner of the Tennessee vehicle informing them of the negative consequences of their littering actions and providing them with educational materials. The letter will include information about how to contain their litter and inform them that litterers can be fined up to $2,500.
TN State Litter Law Section 39-14-508: It is illegal to litter on public and private property.
Excessive personal property litter can lead to pest problems, health issues and a decline in property values.
Are you aware of personal property within our county littered excessively?
There is something you can do, report them!
Dyer County
- To report personal property within the county you must determine whether the property is occupied and you must have the address.
- Residents can only report the problem. If the resident lives on the property Contact: Dyer County Sheriff's Office at 731-285-2802
- State you are calling to report personal property litter, reference litter law section 39-14-508.
What happens after you call?
The DCSO will send an officer to the property to educate the property owners that is it illegal to litter on personal property and will ask them to get it cleaned up.
If the property is vacant
Contact: Dyer County Planning and Codes: (731) 287-0775
City of Dyersburg Code Enforcement:
Commercial Enforcement: (731) 288‐2541 - Email:
Residential Enforcement: (731) 288-7619 - Email: