Lt. Alan Bargery is the Jail Administrator for the Dyer County Sheriff's Office.
In 2003 the Dyer County Jail began operating a 184 bed, state of the art, correctional facility. Located at 401 East Cedar Street in Dyersburg. We are proud to be known for jail programs that attempt to prevent inmates from returning to jail. These programs contribute to the saving of taxpayer dollars and reduce crime in our community. Such programs include drug & alcohol addiction, anger management, family values, parenting, jail ministry, GED, and inmate work programs.
Lt. Bargery is a former Associate Warden at the NorthWest Correctional Prison Facility. He was responsible for the secuity of 2,500 inmates. He has over 30 years combined prison experience from the Tennessee Department of Corrections and Corrections Corporation Of America. He joined our facility in 2010.